[Senior cats. Yoshio&Tamako(Two cats together called “Yoshitama” )Comfortable life.] A friend who comes to our house can meet Yoshio, but it is difficult to meet Tamako. Tamako, who is very cautious, flees as soon as the human figure is seen. Seeing Tamako run low and in a low posture, my friends call her “Tsutinoko Tamako” … Originally Tamako was a type that was friendly and approached even strangers. It’s still a young day for Tamako. One day, when I come home and open the front door, Tamako rushes out and escapes! Then, dive for the first floor from the stairs of the three-storey apartment house that lived at that time! She went missing … Two hours to have a friend come and search for Tamako together. As a result of desperate search, I found Tamako in the shadow of the first floor square! I caught it! She was frightened by an unknown world. I was relieved without any serious injury. After that day, Tamako became timid and began to hide as soon as strangers came home. About my friend who searched for Tamako, Tamako came to remember or avoid the fear of that day … This is how Tamako became a Tsuchinoko.
腰を低くし、低姿勢でそそくさと逃げるたま子の姿に、友人たちからは いつしかツチノコたま子と呼ばれるように……。
その日を境に たま子は臆病な性格になり、知らない人が家に来るとすぐに逃げ、首輪の鈴を抑えて(いるように見える)ジッと物陰に隠れるようになりました。
こうして たま子はツチノコになりましたとさ。
[Senior cats. Yoshio&Tamako(Two cats together called “Yoshitama” )Comfortable life.]
A friend who comes to our house can meet Yoshio, but it is difficult to meet Tamako.
Tamako, who is very cautious, flees as soon as the human figure is seen.
Seeing Tamako run low and in a low posture, my friends call her “Tsutinoko Tamako” …
Originally Tamako was a type that was friendly and approached even strangers.
It’s still a young day for Tamako.
One day, when I come home and open the front door, Tamako rushes out and escapes! Then, dive for the first floor from the stairs of the three-storey apartment house that lived at that time! She went missing …
Two hours to have a friend come and search for Tamako together.
As a result of desperate search, I found Tamako in the shadow of the first floor square! I caught it!
She was frightened by an unknown world.
I was relieved without any serious injury.
After that day, Tamako became timid and began to hide as soon as strangers came home.
About my friend who searched for Tamako, Tamako came to remember or avoid the fear of that day …
This is how Tamako became a Tsuchinoko.
Photographer:kashihara maki
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